You're looking for a special home that fits your priorities and ideals. Not all features may be available at all times, but we will keep looking until we find the right house for you.
Electric and home heating oil prices are increasing every year. It's more important than ever to embrace the latest in building and renovation techniques to reduce your energy demand.
Certified Home
Connecticut has a number of homes built to various certification standards: LEED, Passive House, Energy Star, NGBS and others. The right house may also be renovated to certain standards.
Reduce, reuse, recycle. It applies to home design and building as well! Reduce demand on resources, lower your carbon footprint.
Homes with solar panels are frequently on the market. Additionally, you can take advantage of tax rebates to put an array on the right house. Let's talk about the best solar options for you.
Net Zero
Energy Used = Energy Produced
If there isn't a net zero home on the market, let's look for one that can be modified to meet this need.
Custom Build
Connecticut has a number of builders who can help create your dream house. Let me help you find the right place to put it! I can also help you narrow options and start the process.